  • Country: Macedonia
  • Capital: Skopje
  • Population: 2,107,158
  • Latitude: 41.6439
  • Longitude: 21.6882
  • Continent: Europa

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Macedonia (MK)

World » Europa » Macedonia
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Macedonia is located at Europa in the directory of Country. The population of Macedonia is 2,107,158 people. The capital of Macedonia is Skopje.


Macedonia is located at Europa in the directory of Country. The population of Macedonia is 2,107,158 people. The capital of Macedonia is Skopje.
  • Country: Macedonia
  • Capital: Skopje
  • Population: 2,107,158
  • Latitude: 41.6439
  • Longitude: 21.6882
  • Continent: Europa

Country List of Europa

Aland Islands | Albania | Andorra | Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Croatia | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Faroe Islands | Finland | France | Germany | Gibraltar | Greece | Greenland | Guernsey | Hungary | Iceland | Ireland | Isle of Man | Italy | Jersey | Kosovo | Latvia | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Malta | Moldova | Monaco | Montenegro | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | San Marino | Serbia | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | Sweden | Switzerland | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Vatican City (Holy See)